we are aspirit-drivenstudio

music made withjazzy sport london

( who we are )
helloparis(we are monopo)a multidisciplinarycreative studioborn in tokyo
- building( expressive )brands
- building( engaging )brands
- building( immersive )brands
what we do( )
what drives us( )
embracing theunpredictablemagic ofcommunity &experimentation
drag the elements around to customize the layout
( monopians )theteam

- ASAKO TOMOTANICO-FOUNDER AND BRANCH MANAGERあさこBridging talents and cultures to help creativity flourishAsako is the spirit of monopo paris. Her vibrant portfolio reflects her colourful background - growing up in Paris and Osaka, she pursued her creative journey in Tokyo, Berlin and London before returning to Paris. Naturally a cultural translator, she supports brands to communicate their identity with a sharp creative approach (and a little bit of humour) - whatever the final format might be. As creative producer, Asako has extensive experience in making ambitious ideas happen and turning international collaboration into a source of inspiration rather than a barrier to overcome.( 01 )
- MÉLANIE HUBERT-CROZETCO-FOUNDER AND CREATIVE DIRECTORメラニーON A MISSION TO BUILD EXPRESSIVE BRANDS AND BREAK THE TEMPLATEMélanie leads the creative vision of monopo london & paris. Her desire to mix influences, styles and people sets the tone for the type of work monopo creates and the community monopo builds. She strives to create an environment that breeds unconventional creative approaches and fresh perspectives. Art director by trade, Mélanie aims to build brands as immersive worlds with tons of personality and flavour, which you want to be part of.( 02 )
- MATTIJS DEVROEDTCO-FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTORマテスCREATING SPACE FOR PEOPLE TO DO THE WORK THEY LOVE MOSTMattijs helps direct monopo’s creative power in the direction that will make the biggest impact on a brand’s business. A strategist by trade, Mattijs has worked with brands across the world to help them be themselves in markets that are often not their own. Be that IKEA in Japan, Nike in Korea or Yonex in Europe. In 2019, Mattijs joined monopo to set up the London branch together with Mélanie.( 03 )